Dickens v. GC Services Limited Partnership, 2019 WL 311335 (M.D. Fla. Jan. 24, 2019)
A consumer sued GC Services Limited Partnership (“GC” or “Defendant”) alleging that the company failed to provide certain disclosures when attempting to collect debts, in violation of federal law. This case is titled Dickens v. GC Services Limited Partnership, 8:16-cv-00803-JSM-TGW.
A settlement will provide $99,220, with $10.00 paid to each class member who does not exclude himself or herself from the settlement. GC separately will pay statutory damages to the named plaintiff, class counsel’s attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses, as well as the costs of notice and administration of the settlement.
If you are a person with a Florida address, to whom GC mailed an initial communication that stated: (a) “if you do dispute all or any portion of this debt within 30 days of receiving this letter, we will obtain verification of the debt from our client and send it to you,” and/or (b) “if within 30 days of receiving this letter you request the name and address of the original creditor, we will provide it to you in the event it differs from our client,” between April 4, 2015 and April 4, 2016, in connection with the collection of a consumer debt, that was not returned as undeliverable to GC, you may be entitled to compensation from the settlement.
The Court held a final fairness hearing on May 23, 2019, and approved the settlement.