Shoemaker v. Bass & Moglowsky, S.C., No. 3:19-cv-316-wmc, Doc. 19 (W.D. Wisc. Jan. 3, 2020)
A consumer sued Bass & Moglowsky, S.C. (“Defendant”) alleging that the company violated the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act, 15 U.S.C. § 1692, et seq. (“FDCPA”), by serving a specific form of debt collection notice simultaneously with the service of state court lawsuits. Defendant denies that it violated the FDCPA. This case is titled Shoemaker v. Bass & Moglowsky, S.C., 3:19-cv-00316-wmc (W.D. Wisc.)
Defendant will create a fund of $7,160, which, after deducing costs for notice and administration of the settlement, will be distributed on an equal basis to each to those class members who do not timely exclude themselves from the settlement. Defendant will separately pay: (1) $1,000 to the Class Representative and (2) reasonable attorneys’ fees, costs, and expenses to counsel for the Class Representative not to exceed $26,340, subject to the Court’s approval. Defendant has also agreed to stop using the “Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Disclosure” in conjunction with its service of lawsuits on consumers.
If you are a person in the state of Wisconsin on whom, between April 22, 2018 and April 22, 2019, Defendant served a “Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Disclosure” as part of a lawsuit it filed against such person in connection with the collection of a consumer debt, you may be entitled to compensation from the settlement.
The Court granted final approval to the settlement on April 3, 2020.
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